Take advantage of the latest cellphone offers from the Foschini Group. From the latest Cellphones, iPhones, Tablets and Laptops you will have your device in no time.
Browse the catalogue and sign up with MTN, Cell C or Vodacom. TFG operates through the following retail divisions:
TFG Retail Divisions
– Foschini, branded as Foschini, DonnaClaire and Charles & Keith
– Fashion Express
– Markham
– Fabiani
– G-Star Raw
– Exact
– The Sports division, branded as sportscene, Totalsports and Duesouth
– The Jewellery division, branded as American Swiss, Sterns and Mat & May
– @home, branded as @home and @homelivingspace
– hi
– TFG Apparel Supply Company
– TFG Financial Services